Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My website...

My website URL currently is the bottom link with square space but the URL im trying to connect is the top link. Although UK2 have not replied to me in regards to connecting them both, which is very annoying; so currently my URL is @squarespace. 
I have ordered business cards with the top URL but I have not retrieved them so in terms of giving them out I dont have to worry about my website not matching the url.

Monday, April 15, 2013

my first email rejection.

Subject: GoThinkBig Application

Re: More! Magazine Picture Desk Work Experience May 2052

Dear Lauren

Thank you for your recent application through GoThinkBig. We’re really sorry but your application was unsuccessful on this occasion. We’ve had an overwhelming response, but please re-apply in the future, as more opportunities will be available.

We’d love you to stay part of the GoThinkBig community so make sure you keep checking in to the site. We’re adding more opportunities every day and the site is full of inspiring features and useful tips to help you get on the career ladder.

We wish you every success in your career and hopefully we’ll see you at one of our other opportunities in the future.

Best regards,

The GoThinkBig Team

Friday, April 12, 2013

Business Cards

Business Cards that I have ordered to promote my work. I have added my website and email address that I will use for the next four years for my business.
Made from

Ren Love Photography - New Website!

I have now re-created my website on square space as it is a much better layout and alot easier to use. I have added two series of work, narrative and situated practice; so that I have two sets to begin with before adding any of the wedding photography that I did over the summer of july last year.
The images are big which is what I like because then all the detail in the drawings are clearly seen on the screen. I have also put them onto a slide show so that the three images are seen than just the one, especially if there happens to be any problems with clicking to the next image; the slide show will do that for the viewer.

Changing from ClikPic to Square Space.

I tried to use ClikPic but they are to confusing to understand, I am unable to work with the website easily. So I have been recommended to try out Square space which give you a trial of 2 weeks but the price will be £60 per year. I will sacrifice an extra £20 if I am confident I can use the website effectively.  Hopefully this website builder will be alot more useful to me to make an effective cheap website with my own domain name.

Changing my website from Wix to Clicpic

When I looked into the pricing of my website again I went through the process and they added £12 VAT which made making my website alot more expensive. I researched briefly again and went through my blog again and found clikpic, which is £40 a year for the basic package. Which is alot better than wix and their basic package.
So I decided to take a two week trial with clikpic to see if they are better than wix when creating the website as well as the price.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wedding Photography Research

I started to look in to other wedding photographers that I could gain work experience from, hoping that there is one closer to home that I would be lucky enough with. I did a general search online for fantasy/fairytale based photographers, to know how many people in the world consider themselves to be categorical within this theme. I found a few people who create images based on faiytales but most of the photographers created the work a few years back and haven't really continued since. One of the photographers I found was from USA and doesnt look to have done any weddings for a least a few years but has kept a blog and site up and running continuously anyway. The photographer is called Nashville, the images of the weddings I have chosen are beneath.

The photographs that she takes are different from Gome's work in regards to the way that she uses the environment to create the fairytale more, while Gome enhances the environments. The photography is inspiring so simple but the edge of the fantasy is still clearly there to be its theme, the way that she photographs as well makes the work that much more interesting to the eye. Showing once again that there is a business out there for this type of work.

Researching again in the UK this time for Fairytale Wedding Photographers led me to this website which is a photographer who bases her wedding client work on fairytale themes. The places in which she photographs she uses to her advantage to make the perfect wedding fairytale. By Julia Walters.

The work that I found on her blog and website are focused on the couple and the way they are portrayed in a fairytale way but also capturing their perfect day along with all the events that happened within it.

I will send this photographer a email asking about work experience and express the love I have for fairytale photography and the way that her work has shown me that I can bring my own flare into wedding photography. I will explain why I am asking for work experience along with where I am from (UCS) to see if there is any chance that I will be able to gain at least one day of work experience with herself.

Looking into the wedding photography that I have has showed me that there is a market for my photography that I enjoy; but there is also a market for it within weddings which I also enjoy photographing. Just with researching these three wedding photographers that I have I am able to see that there is a select few out there who do photograph weddings in such a themed way but there is also room for one more.