Friday, April 5, 2013

More Magazine Picture Desk - Work Experience

More! Magazine Picture Desk Work Experience May 2013

Category: Creative and Design
Organisation: Bauer
You will be a vital part in helping the picture desk run smoothly.
Tasks will include:
Mark ups
Picture research
Prop hunting
Runner duties
Assisting on photo shoots and contributing visual ideas for future issues.
You will need to be on a photography degree or equivalent, and keen to pursue a career in this area, and have great celebrity knowledge.
Skills Gained: Knowledge and experience of roles on the picture desk, confidence within a related working environment.
2 Weeks Work Experience. Please state which dates you are available for in your cover letter.
You must specify a date to be considered for this role.
Start Dates:
Minimum Age:18
We anticipate a large response for these opportunities; therefore if you would like to be considered you must stand out from the crowd please send us your CV and tell us in less than 100 words why you are the person for the job and why you are passionate about the brand you want to work with.
Posted 29 days ago
Closing a day from now

This is the work experience that I have just applied for through The website has loads of work experience offers all over the country and is easy for applying as well. When signing up you have to upload your cv and photographs that you have taken in regards to the experience that you apply for, but overall I would say this website helped me out alot. Especially with having a light at the end of the tunnel with somewhere to look in regards to work experience.  Hopefully I will hear back from the people who run the organisation, if not there is a contact email that I can enquire about specific work experience.

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