Thursday, March 21, 2013

Updating my website with Situated Practice

Today I finally got around to scanning in my situated practice model. The quality after scanning are not great especially being the file size of jpeg; but overall I happy that they are finally on show. When writing about the work and what it was about, I included my collaborator and explained about how the drawings were her creation. I am pleased with my final images now that I have seen that the outcome has shown perfectly what I was trying to explain within my first ideas; especially with the help of my collaborator who really brought home the ideal that I was trying to portray.
My website is finally coming together well and has three sets of work displayed now, narrative, situated practice and the wedding that I did last summer 2012. There is a connection between my narrative and situated and the wedding shows my other interests within photography; along with another job that I have done.
Updating from my work experience hunt, I still have not had a reply from the photographer who I contacted about helping out with a wedding. It has only been a few days, so I hope to hear by the end of next week; Gome photography seems to be a respectable busy business. This may require me to follow up with an phone call, just to check that my email went through. 

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